this is my 40th post :) maybe be quite lil t some of eu bahh coz ii deleted th previous blog mahh
anyways 1st day of sch tmr glad tht everything went quite well :) th day goes quite fast, except sci -.- gort home econs today mschan look so fierce on th outside =X but actually she's nice :) eleazar &jianyuan so funny luhs go steal &snatch th chocolate hahas xDD lotsa laughter during home econs man
th 1st thing ii did when ii reach classrm was t find my handbk so went round t see everyone's table de below but cant find :( then form tcher's period &home econs cannot use ]: then after sch went back classrm t practice choir songs with jiayi, felicia, jiaxin &nadin decided t check throughly again so ii checked through v.v. throughly eventually found my precious handbk under ziqi's table :) hahas :DD
found out tht th chi drama competition was nxt wk =X then ask mstai for th kewen but she havent send me till now :( haizz
hope everything goes this well everyday :) dream on.. hahas had headache from morning till now maybe coz not enough slp bahhs :)
shi ting will jiayous hope eu too :)
hi ppl no quizzes or uploading of photos nw simply juz writing:) finished all my hw =] but as usual, my works has lotsa blanks =X tmr sch reopen lerhh haizz my hair like.. haizz hope it faster grow longer ohh ya ii dropped my hp twice today :X then th "back" button went down which means cannot press liao luhs ii xia dao man! thinking tht ii hav t use this hp for two more yrs then luckily ii anyhow make make then okays liao :DD hav butter fingers today.. nearly drop hp again juz nw -_- heng nv drop.. ii wan a new sch bag! &perhaps 1 more sch shoes.. coz th yonex 1 th below part spoil liao :( wanna try nike shoes.. hahas muz wait long long lerhh..
im bored t death man
let me upload old photos tht ii dont hav time t upload last time
ii wont hav th time t do this when sch reopen lerhsome photos might be uploaded be4

ii dont know why ii like this photo..
class bbq-west coast park! .jpg)
sand till ankle.. sand till knees..
no more legs!!hahas.
after st. nicholas's newyork newyork
.jpg) pink:ouch!eu're hurting me!!
best buddies x)
.jpg)'s so comfortable..

friends forever~
class bonding day :)
azhar and his poses
a cup of disgusting mixture of chilli sauce, lime, fruit juice, coke, etc.
th guys drink like they are in hell..
while th girls..drink it like plain water! xD
ncc promotion ceremony

[11] People tagged with this quiz. dunno.
[ 10 ] Firsts. First Best Friend: ii think shld be this girl called wanling bahhs..if im nort wrong
First Screen Name: anyone tell me wat's a screen name??
First Pet: ii dont think ii hav a pet of my own till now..
First Piercing: 4 or 5 yrs old??or 6?forgot.
First Crush: forgot lo
First CD: dunno.
First Car: do ii even hav a toy car??
First Love: dunno
First Place Called Home: current home :)
[ 9 ] Lasts. Last Beverage: plain water..drank it last night be4 ii slept
Last Car Ride: car ride??2-3wks agao jiujiu car
Last Movie Seen: alvin &th chipmunks..ages ago man..recently feel tht watching movie is a waste of $$
Song You Listened To: 3rd song in js blog..nameless.
Last Bubble Bath: nv had be4..ii wished ii hav lorxx x(
Last Time You Cried: a few days ago..for no reason..
Last Thing You Ate: swt..eclipse :)
Last Bad Thing You Did: bad??too much t rmb..
[ 8 ] Have You Evers. Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: no?
Have You Ever Been Arrested: mum would kill me
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: wat's tht?
Have You Ever Been On A Limo: limo taxi counted?
Have You Ever Been In Love: ii
Have You Ever Been In A Car Accident: no..but nearly got into twice x)
Have You Ever Broken A Bone: nope..tht's too serious man
[ 7 ] Things You Are Wearing. 1. specs 2. ngee ann poly tshirt 3. shorts 4. nth else le bahhs
[ 6 ] Things You've Done Today. 1. did two quizes including this 2. tagged jingyong &js 3. bath 4. eaten breakfast &lunch 5. typed &printed th compre ans 6. talked t tingting &angela in msn 7. finished rewatching th last few eps of romantic princess 8. rewatched 1 ep of bull fighting 9. tht's all so far
[ 5 ] Favourite Things. 1. things related t nic 2. real chocolate 3. swts 4. money $$ 5. happy memories :)
[ 4 ] People You Tell Almost Anything To. 1. angela 2. tingting
[ 3 ] Choices. 1. Black Or White: white :D
2. Hot Or Cold: cold
3. Chocolate Or Vanilla: chocolate
[ 2 ] Things You Want To Do Before You Die. 1. make all my wishes come true :) 2. hav a happy &complete family
[ 1 ] Thing You Regret. alot alot.. too much to list
this quiz is "cope" from js blog :)
gort this quiz from sihui's blog doing this becoz ii totally bored t death &dont feel like finishing my compo &my hair now sux
Date: eu mean today's date or my d.o.b.?
Current Status: single
Eye Colour: either black or brown bahhs..nort sure:)
Hair Colour(S): black..anyways wat does th S means?
Righty or Lefty: righty x)
LAYER 2: ON THE INSIDE My Heritage: chinese,hokkien
Fears: alot stuffs..no1 shld be insects &snakes..
My Weaknesses: alot alot..
My Perfect Pizza: hawaiian :)
LAYER 3: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW Thoughts First Waking Up: dunno-.-
My Bedtime: when ii feel like slping zz
My Most Missed Memory: happy memories :D
LAYER 4: MY PICK Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald’s or Burger King: burger king? eat macs until sian liao..
Single or Group Dates: prefer single.. ;)
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Tea or Nestea: wat's nestea??ii guess ii would try tht :)
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate x))
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino..tht sounds more class..hahas xD
LAYER 5: DO YOU.. Smoke: nope
Curse: yupp..hahas
Take a Shower: duhh -_-
Have a Crush: ii guess so..
Think You’ve Been In Love: yess??
Go To School: of course -_-
Want To Get Married: yupp.
Believe In Yourself: nort really :(
Think Your A Health Freak: nort really too :\
LAYER 6: IN THE PAST Drank Alcohol: yupp..
Gone To The Mall: yes.
Been On Stage: yupp
Eaten Sushi: yupp too :)
Dyed Your Hair: mum wouldnt allow
LAYER 7: HAVE YOU EVER… Played A Stripping Game: wat's tht??
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: yess..but ii keep failing -_-
LAYER 8: AGE YOU’RE HOPING… To Be Married: nort over 30 bahhs..
LAYER 9: IN A GUY.. Best Eye Colour: anything luhs
Best Hair Colour: idk
Short Hair or Long Hair: nort too long :)
LAYER 10: WHAT WERE YOU DOING… A Minute Ago: doing this luhs -_-
Hour Ago: watching videos??
4.5 Hours Ago: lying on th bed..
1 Month Ago: dont know
Year Ago: how would ii rmb?? -_-
LAYER 11: FINISH THE SENTENCES… I love: happy &contented moments, things going in my way
I feel: hollow, rubbish, emo now
I hate: sad, embarassed, stupid moments, things going in th wrong direction
I hide: alot of things inside my heart
I miss: alot things
I need: money $$, time t turn back
LAYER 12: TAG 3 PEOPLE dont wan luhs..dont feel like doing tht now..
ppl im here again!!
undone hols hw: sci wb sci ws sci mindmap chi compre(half done) maths graph bk(half done) 6 qns in maths tb(dunno how t do) eng compre eng compo
ii still hav 5 more days to finish everything wish me gdluck man :) my nose is giving me hell today again sensitive nose really sux
gort new phone last fri sony ericsson G700 &th stupid thing is tht it doesnt hav chi &ii hav t change all my chi songs names t han yu pin yin took me lotsa time man went sony ericsson website t see whether it has chi language file t download anot then gort angrier when ii saw tht th website even hav languages tht ii nv heard be4 but no chi -.- decided t email sony ericsson t ask why thr isnt chi language file for ppl t download gort reply this morning :) th person says th chi language will most probably be up by july :DD happy happy XD better dont let me dissapointed again
going bpp t hav lunch later with sihui im seriously broke liao lorxx later still need sihui lend me money ii really hav t start my saving money plan when sch starts jiayous
ppl, im back t post it's th 3rd wk of hols liao which is like, so damn fast ii still hav tons of hw undone
-an eng compo -an eng compre -a hist brochure -maths tb revision exercises(alot) -maths graph bk qns(ii dunno how t do) -1 chi compre -1 chapt of sci wb -1 mindmap on 1 chapt of sci -1 sci ws
ii guess tht's all oh my.. ii only hav 10 more days t finish everything which is nort alot t me -_- haizz &thr's this person who takes up 85% of my mind gosh.. let me forget him..
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