hello hello hello! went for th chi wen yi ying today still okays luhs early in th morning ii missed th 6.45am bus -_- then anxiously waited for th nxt bus at 6.55am t arrive thank god tht th driver was not slow then aijing boarded th same bus then reached sch &realised tht th gate isnt open saw ms kua waiting outside with her car then after a while th cleaners all came &open th gate then jiawan came &mstai came then realised tht thr was only 4 of us going at 1st thought got 1 whole lot of students going 1 -_- then board cab &reach catholic high quite a distance from fuhua worx then mstai went home then got talk you jin's talk was nice :) she shared interesting stuffs during her overseas trips with us quite funny :D then break &we broke up into shi,sanwen &xiaoshuo 3 groups sadly, jiawan &aijing both went for sanwen so only left with me in xiaoshuo group but still okays luhs then lunch after tht went back for chuangzuo almost every1 form groups t write th xiaoshuo except a few &im one of th few wrote an wei xing xiao shuo 3 pages and 4 lines long th ppl beside me quite noisy lorx tok &laugh then make me cannot concentrate but ii still managed t finished :) but it was bad :( then break again then hav some students came out t say their ganxiang &cert taking quite a few funny incidents happened :D then went home by mrt at 1st aijing say wanna accompany me t j8 1 lorx cauz ii wan t install th chi language software into my hp then after tht she dont wan liao :( chat in th mrt till ii nearly forgot t alight is like th door closing liao then ii rushed out 1 quite scaring sia =X then took 190 home chat &laugh alot today xD home econs evalluation not done yet th chi xiezuo hw ii decided t copy th zhuangzuo ii do today so tht's all gdnight:)
ps:ii wonder if aijing is still thinking of th guy whom she thinks is v.handsome..
im sooo busy! let me start from today
reach sch at 6.50am coz 7.15am got meeting revised th dance they change a bit of it but ii think it's better did th home econs practical test ii think our group did quite well :D went for th chi xie zuo thingy after sch not bad luhs th tcher quite nice :) but got hw till now still dunno how t do :(
tmr hav t go for chi wen hua ying it starts from 7.30am all th way till 5.30pm scared scared of quite alot of factors :( so dont feel like going but no choice..
sun hav t chiong home econs evaluation &maybe will start on th xie zuo hw
ii think choir will resume on mon so will be back home only at 7+pm
tues is free till now but maybe hav some last min stuffs tht day so ii think staying back too ohh ya our class de prefects hav t teach our class de ppl th aces day dance during pe lessons -_- but ii dont-dont like th dance :)
wed ii think hav th servive learning project thingy going t th old folks home but no sure yet dunno th letter submit le mahhs haizz this is giving me stress
thurs.. ohh man! ii thought ii can happily do 1st shift of ushering tht day for th meet th parents session then ii can go back home at 5.30pm but ii forgot ii got th xie zuo thingy tht day!! tht means ii had t do 2nd shift which will only end at 7.30pm ii think ii can only reach home at 9pm :( xie zuo hw will oso hav t be passed up tht day
fri is tchers' day celebration! dunno wat t giv tchers yet no $$ oso planning t giv sth like a letter etc but oso dunno wat t write on th letter -_- hav t dance for aces day shld be quite fun bahhs so many ppl dancing th same thingy :) most probably going back zhenghua tht day bahhs unless no ppl go back
after fri will be sept hols ii think hav extra lessons :( 1 wk only lehx.. so hope dont hav any extra lessons
tht's all for now bye :)
thr is this middle age guy who came t my house 1 min ago he said he hav a stroke &wanna me t donate some $$ t him but he seems normal t me,juz tht he was limping while walking ii at 1st wanna donate 1 but..ii dunno lehxx abit scared scared 1 maybe got scared by th paintings he was holding bahhs &ii juz said ii dont hav money with me &he said $1 or $2 enough liao then ii said thr's no 1 in th house so ii dont hav $$ with me then he juz said ahmituofuo &walked away he got some kind of irritated look on his face when he walked away ii budged me did ii did th right thing?
hiee last paper today nvm dont wish t tok abt it noe our chi test result liao ii didnt fail! hahas i was happy like siao but ms tai think tht it's v.ke xi for me t lost tht 7 mks becauz of a stupid mistake ii made thought tht this wkend ii shall be free dream on! ii hav a jian bao t do, chi filing t settle &tht stupid service project tht project shall make me busy till th end of this term this wkend ii had t find an old folks home, call up on them &write a letter t them by mon th letter muz be in th tcher's hand and ii had t do tht all alone! nvm ii can do it at leat ii muz believe tht ii can do it gd luck t me :)
you noe my mum?(ii bet most of you dont) she spent $750 for putting this "cover" over 1 of her teeths this particular teeth had "spoiled" somehow &th dentist who helped her t put th cover was a &#@)^@!% dentist &my mum tooth swell &pain until she headache &she spent somemore $$ and time on medicine &going t th dentist again juz now,she cannot tahan anymore &went t th other dentist t extract th tooth &it cost her $120 all all these spending,she gain nth but pain &lost a tooth ...
ppl tmr is th last paper of ct2 maths! ----th paper ii fear most.. really hope i'll pass ,&at least a b3 im not greedy right? so plz grant my wish, god.. seriously,ii think tht ii did v.badly for this ct ohh man!
today's chi lesson was so.. ms tai was teaching this chapter about friends then she was like "we muz be careful when making frens,hor leslie?" everyone laughed~ ms tai "if you make frens with ppl like shi ting(-_-!), cheena, jiayi, tingting, ii of course wont stop you.." ms tai continues "ohh ya! and joycelyn.." everyone laughed~ penguin "it's not whether we wanna be frens with her,but rather if she wanna be frens with us" ms tai said "eh,dont think tht quiet ppl cannot make frens,like shi ting,she so quiet oso can make frens" (or something like tht) everyone laughed &said "shi ting quiet mehh?" ms tai saw th situation and said "mm..ii roughly now th personality of shi ting liao.." LOLS! &cheena laughed th loudest!
okays..ii admit tht im quite talkative with ppl im familiar.. but im quiet when it come t studying okays..
after chi is sci gone sci lab mr chan did some experiments for us t see he damn cute sia :D then did some experiments by ourselves left my sci textbk thr -.- still didnt aware until jiesi smsed me after sch textbk with her so ask her help me keep..
after sci is eng mr yeo gone reservice so no tcher arrange th ws in my chi file coz checking coming and mstai wan me giv her sample did until damn fed up ws given out long ago did not hav dates on them so ii dunno th order in th end juz dump everything t jordan &ask him anyhow arrange for me xP then he really anyhow arrange is like chapter 13 ws can be behind of chapt 7 ws(earlist at th back) then ii muz rearrange myself again -.-
then eat lunch with jordan,nisa,emelia,eleazar arguing about vegetarians stuffs hahas quite funny xD
ii saw this mv 3 times be4 ii stop:) the chinese paper today sux ii lost 10 whole mks becauz th qn wans my ans in no. &ii wrote in words -_- really really really hope ii dont fail although ii really really really think ii will
yoyo tmr hav sch again &thr's chi ct gd luck t me :) let me rewind wad ii had did th past few days
fri after sch ii didnt go grandma house tht day cousin angela came t find me slacking at my house till 6+pm then went fajar lrt station t meet cousin sinyin t go aunt's house stayover which is at admiralty be4 tht went macs buy a $1 coke &mac chicken;takeaway ii drank th coke till halfway then found it's leaking -.- then went back t change for a new one then took lrt t chua chu kang mrt station was drinking my coke all th way thr although my cousins' warning finished at th mrt station &couldnt find a rubbish bin -.- so held it till admiralty station th train was so packed luhs th coke in my hand was so extra -_- drank th coke till ii wanna vomit -too full alighted th train &try t make our way t aunt's house we did it okays at least we didnt get lost:D then watched th olympics opening till halfway then sian diao liao then joking with sinyin tht th ppl on screen are our boyfrens &fathers ii know we damn lame xD uncle's niece &newphew came &stayover too then slacked around till 1+am then slp
sat woke up &went causeway point for breakfast swensens! their breakfast quite exp but damn filling spent $54+ altogether =X had quite alot leftovers in our plates xP then walked around &found a boy missing and crying for his mum :( then took him t th information counter &made announcement then his mum came &questioned him instead of comforting him -_- then bought drinks from sweettalk &some ingredients from coldstorage went back aunt's house for speggetti lunch then played th dance mat quite fun man! 1 dance mat=$100+ :0 then went back grandma house got irritated &went back home without eating dinner thr maternal cousins came t stayover at my house slept at sofa tht day :(
today went breakfast with mum,dad &bro then went home &watched th 22nd epi of fated t love you ramdomly surfed th net &did some hw &im here :)
tht's all going out with angela &sinyin is fun :) struggling with my hw now ;(
ps: ignore th above spelling errors dont feel like finding out th correct spellings =X
im home! actually im home long ago -.- cross country run today got a ranking of 32 heehee im contented charity bazaar sort of messy? but great job 2i2! th national day singing was so high! esp angie who was singing &shouting so loud hahas im so damn tired now later going grandma house ...
added song i remember by amber guo cai jie nice melody:) this 21 yrs old girl would make it big someday if she is able t continue her career her talking is so swt while her singing is damn powerful &strong she juz need more experiences jiayous:] tmr is 08/08/08! woohoo! charity bazaar, cross country,national day celebration all coming tmr! hahas wish me luck for cross country tmr :)
yoyo ppl ii got back my eng ct paper muahaha! ii passed! but 1/2mks t A2 :( nvm ii muz be contented :D we scored v.badly for MA6 about half th class failed ii guessed im one of them :( mrstay making us stay back do retest tmr hope this time ii can do better :] today assembly is th chi drama competition 2i4 won th 1st prize congrats :P mm thinking of sth t write..
ii smelled cigarette yucks =X maybe is neighbour nahhs off t study byes:)
 th doggie has no ears :(
lets dont talk abt tht person this time let me upload some photos instead:) ahahas! ii bought it cost me $19.90 tht makes me left with no money:( but it was nice certainly worth it:D semi final of th record challenge see this huge flag below? superb right?  it's made up of 8500 of all these!  look at this sticker on this banana it's cool okays although not clear:X  see this white hood mystery man here? it's a female luhs:) nadin acting emo again..  my house toliet! hahas how could it be possible?! it's th sch toliet luhs;)  ii wrote this "SHI" on my hand juz t test cheena's pen t see it's nice t use anot-_-
YOU LIAR ii wan money with money, ii dont need you ii dont need t wait for t take me t see a doc when im sick becauz you always thought im faking it why you hav t be so different from other mums? you always thought ii hav motive in doing things when ppl cant help you, you scold them stupid &idiot including me you always thought you are th cleverest person in this world everything you think or say is always right you always giv me empty promises you make me so happy and excited abt sth you promised t do but in th end, you make me sad &dissppointed at you ii cant make myself t hate you now and dont make me hate you a day
why you dont believe me? why do you always think tht im a wolf? ii treat you as th most impt person in my life but you? im probably juz a useless person who uses ur money why dont you believe me? ii wan t do well t show tht im useful but ii cant do anything except studying ii study hard t get gd results for ur praises but as ii grew up, it's getting harder t get them all ii got is scoldings and ur misunderstandings ii feel like ending my life now nth worth living now nth you only remembered you had a son a son tht can chat with you, help you when needed while me, this girl tht can do nth t help you..is a useless bum rmb once you forgot all abt me when you're leaving grandma house? you left me thr you totally forgotten abt me you can still chat &laugh abt this matter you think it's funny not me am ii tht easy forget t you? maybe if ii die you will soon forget abt me too maybe..
hey im back:) today's eng paper was.. haizz think ii gonna fail one of th qn was asking wat "down under" means it's a country luhs then ii was like..blur? then wrote america then after test then found out tht it's australia -_- how many ppl would knew australia was down under? now ii confirm 2 mks gone omg plz dont let me fail :( im bored...
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