this should be what i treat like treasure when im.. pri 3?
this is another treasure of me when im in pri school
free tattoos given out on national day
when i saw it yesterday, my first reaction was like, "omg"
it's turning yellow you see

a children day gift by my pri 6 chinese teacher
it's still brand new okay
but i doubt i would ever use it again
who wants it tell me.. i'll give it to you as birthday present(:

this are all the post-it notes, notebooks etc of mine
huge collection yeah?
i think some of you guys have more
im somehow proud of it anyway(:
but they're really space-consumers
and i have to clarify in case people thinks im wasting money
more than 50% are free gifts
out of the 50% left which are not free gifts, more than 45% are given to me by my family members
like overseas gifts, or my brothers think they're too childish for them and just throw it to me
that left with less than 5% which are bought by me
but hey seriously, i only remember buying a pack of post-it notes a few weeks ago for my studies and that cost me $3+?
fyi, the 4 foolscap pads you see are brand new
which means they havent been used before
this are the collection of foolscaps i have
i had used up quite a number
but there's still so much
my brothers lor, buy already dont use then buy new ones
then throw them to me cause they dont use them anymore -.-
if mstan allow non-fuhua foolscaps for maths, i think i can finish using them fast
but too bad..
im wondering if there are 1000 pieces of foolscaps anot.. -.-?
i have been trying to reduce the frequency of using correction tapes lately
now i'll just cancel the words
hope that can train me to be more tidy and not be so careless :)
the problem still lies on eating
im eating too much and i dont save on eating xP
that's why im so broke now
haiz :(