im not stressed, people. believe me. just dont know why am i born with a stressed look on my face, lol. =X
suddenly, i dont look forward to super teen anymore):
sometimes, i realised, by just going to the supermarket with my mum is a form of stress relieving.
“Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world, and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them, and that they will never have a decent night’s sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve, but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever. The best thing to do in these circumstances is to wake somebody else up, so that they can feel this way, too.” — ~ Lemony Snicket im the one.
When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear.
The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling… And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!
today is a beautiful day but i cant see. very very moody):
im in a very shitty mood right now, for no reason. i have no idea who to talk to, although i want to talk. ):
am i really fine?
i thought i was, just 5 minutes ago. and i changed my mind. i realised im still afraid of the uncertainty in my life, although i know i cant control them. although i tried to not think too much about them..
im a person, unknowing when im going to leave my loved ones, and wondering if i can still lived to see tomorrow's sun.Labels: TRIGGERED.
为什么我和别人不一样。。 为什么要让我看到一丝希望时,又把它夺走。。 为什么。。T.T
im having a cough cum flu cum sorethroat right now. and the thing is, i dont want to miss lessons, nor the orientation. but i still have to look at the big picture and make the right decision. okay well, i have no idea why i sound so serious. kay, how i wished i can wake up tmr morning, realising that my cough cm flu cum sorethroat is gone. alright, im dreaming again, that's pretty impossible.
the word impossible makes me recall what i had written for today's reading period. i wrote, "i believe that impposible is nothing.." now i suddenly feel that it's something. -.-
i am not happy since school starts. something is bothering me to a great extent. and i dare not confront it.
kay, it's time to get back to homework. ps: tat's the main reason i switch on my comp.
kay people, i was setting my bio paper until Mr Monkey told me there's a new year dedication for me at his blog. saw it, got touched and decided to do a "summary of 2009" here too(: although i know im a bit too late cause it's already the 1st day of 2010 although i know my blog is a place little people comes to visit although i know uploading photos in blogger is super slow and ma fan but never mind(:
2009 was an super eventful year, i must say.. i've got a lot of first times in it and a lot of different memorable experiences and memory..
 this really made me feel more senior and more prefect..
 thanks to the three of you, i had never thought we can come so far..
 one of the numerous study dates at np.. i wonder if we will still have this kind of dates there again or not..
 my 1st picnic, 1st overseas camp, it was fun, unforgettable.  i miss this seat, seriously.  the 1st time i wore an ethnic costume to school for racial harmony.. you know, i was never enthu in this type of stuff since young.. but 2009 changed it.  my 1st SYF.. we worked really hard.. fuhua's gold choir, finally.  nadin, thanks for being my friend, cause you're simply great(:  i can never never forget 2009's teachers' day.. the few days, are memories that will be remembered for a lifetime. thanks to my elephant and monkey for making me laugh so much although everything went so haywire at first. of course, miss chua, thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. you're the teacher who guided me the most in 2009.  we had a lot of photos together, but i chose this. cause that day is the most memorable. the rain doesnt seemed to dampen our mood at all. thanks for bringing me so much so much memories. we're loved.
 i dont know when we got close. but thanks for allowing me to be in the group. im really really glad.  i realised we dont have a single photo together at all although we used to spent so much time together.. this is the photo, that reflects the time of us together, smiling. i really wished i can do more, friend. suddenly feel that fate is so miraculous.
distant we used to be, fate brought us close. 2009 was gone forever, but the memories will always be there. happiness is so simple, i realised. one word of concern, one video, one photo, they can make me will happy and contented for a few days i believed 2010 will be better. regardless it's about studies, relationships or health. i will try my very best to make it better :DDDDDDDD
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