i want to watch "The Social Network" ):
Oh gosh, I really hate the feeling of regret to the coreT.T Every time, I'll give myself a pat on the shoulder and say to myself, 'come on, you know it's over already.. No point regretting right? Forget it Kay?(:' But unfortunately, the super bad feeling just linger around and refused to disappear):
I shall do my very best not to allow myself to get affected by anything and anyone from today onwards. I'm just going to work to my best ability silently and calmly And let the luck and miracles do the rest.
And you, 不要自以为是, 真的很烦.
I am playing this game lately.. The character must jump across gaps present to move on and survive On the way are a lot of bonuses that allow the player to earn extra points if he/she is able to jump and grab them But sometimes, there're just certain bonuses that you can never reach If you are insistent of getting them, you'll just lose your footing and fall into the gap after you successfully get the bonus And then, game over.
Isn't life also like this? In life, there's always chances and opportunities appearing here and there If you managed to grab it, good for you. But sometimes, some things are just not meant for us even it has appeared Life is about learning, learning to grab opportunities at the right time and know when to let go 一意孤行,最后受伤害的还是自己。
the haze is gone. yay(Y)
i really need some miracle for tmr's papers. haii.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on for so long.

i officially announce that ... i fell sick AGAIN.
the super terrible feeling is back to haunt me:S think it will take pretty long to fully recover based on my experience. haiiii.
the weather is really too hot:S take care people~

ipod touch 4.. here i comes(:
kay, glad that blogger is allowing photo uploads today. shall continue homework-ing(:
alright, blogger had some problems with the uploading of photos.. thought it's the best time to post that photo.. but.. never mind(:
suddenly dont look forward to the so-called graduation day. take note that i used the word "so-called" haiiiiiiiiiiii.
oh yeah, jiesi suddenly reminded me that my children's day presents this year are piles and piles of homework): i can still remember how happy i am every year when it comes to children's day in primary school. now? bleahT.T
opened the internet window and saw the 1st news on my yahoo homepage:
Mrs Lee Kuan Yew dies aged 89
found it rather shocking and sad somehow.. i believe that she does made a difference to the land im standing on right now. thank you.

心里有种不安与不踏实的感觉.. 希望不是坏事的预言):
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