got a bit scewed up with the selection of subject combi
hope it's just a bit.
and today, i realised im not that strong afterall.
i really hate obstructions in my life
especially when at 1st, i thought everything will go as i had planned and proceed on smoothly
then i realised it cannot.
i will then go very stressed and worried.
hoping that someone could quickly come to my help
im not an independent person, and i dont want to be):
is there really someone whom i can dependent on for life?...
on the 1st day when i reported to school, my mum told me, "jc now. you had grown up, must be independent lerh."
and today when i faced difficulty and went super freaked out, she told me, "why are you so scared and worried? there'll always be a way out in the end anyway."
my mum is someone with guts, and i really admire that part of her sometimes.
rain rain go away~~ raining non-stop these 3 days.
dunno why the sky can contain so many water:S

i love the happy kitty especially<3
school's starting tmr.
hope everything will turn out fine(:

yes, i totally agree with the words in this picture.
sort of funny yeah?
people just walk in and out of our lives non-stop
and most of the time, we couldnt control it.
i really dont know if it's good to consider this fact as sad.
this is reality, again. -.-
sorry, im having some pre-school fear, as usual.
2 more days...

another sad news that made today a depressing day.
kay, i realised i didnt have a proper bid 2010 goodbye post.
so i shall do 1 now(:
2010, important year indeed.
the Os year.
the final year in fuhua.
the end of my secondary school life.
a rather peaceful year as compared to 2009(i think?)
kay, i will definitely miss..
that ulu classroom,
all that crazy classmates,
all that fun schoolmates,
that nice seat (a lot),
that 2 cute partners (especially),
all that teachers,
all that tiring remedials,
that rubbish 4.30pm system,
that forever-cannot-be-finished homework pile,
all that interesting lessons,
all that funny jokes,
all that precious moments,
and lastly,
(although i always thought i wouldnt say this), that school.
yes, it isnt easy to walk through the whole year and to this point that i am right now.
but with all of them, i did it.
i always tell people that i probably wouldnt step into jurong again after i graduated,
but today, when the bus drove past fuhua again,
i couldnt help but to direct my attention to that particular building again.
that building,
rather basic and small,
managed to contain and witness all the memorable times i had the past 4 years.
i still remember the 1st day i stepped into it and decided to spend my next 4 years there.
4 years had past, it saw me growing up day after day.
fate has brought me to fuhua, and now it's bringing me to another school.
it's impossible to forget you, so dont worry(:
Life's short.
“You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life.”
ya luh, true.
this picture looks encouraging..
i hope i can convince myself to do that, seriously.
it has been very long since i posted.
busy with work.
and yeah, it's not as easy as i thought it will be.
not a very pleasant one month, but indeed, i learnt a lot, and know a lot.
got my very 1st official pay(:
got back the results.
1st reaction: oh..okay luh, better than the 18 points that my mum dreamt of me getting and the 16 points i think i will get.
2nd reaction: 5 a2s, can seriously do better [ regrets): ]
my mum is all the while encouraging me that it's good.
kay luh, it's not bad.. can do better.
to someone, reading your blog makes me hopeful again suddenly.
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