im tired, but much more motivated.
"you all like this class right?
you all enjoy one another's company right?
i dont think you all want to come back to class next year and realise that it has shrunk, right?
im sure you all dont want to spend another year to start all over when you can spend it better somewhere else right?
i really hope i dont lose any single one of you again.."
i cant believe the teacher i used to dislike the most and thought i will continue to dislike him until i leave the school said something that touched my heart deeply today.
i always thought he doesnt care.
ya, maybe he does, but only for his reputation sake.
but today, i realised, i think im wrong.
I'm glad i care.
this is from jiesi's blog..

What about the person that has to find your body, surrounded by blood?
What about the terror and pain that they’ll have to remember for the rest of their lives?
What about them having to feel guilty for being “too late” every day of their lives?
What about them holding your body and screaming in agony as they can’t even get the strength to leave you to get a phone to call for help?
What about the depression that you’ll leave them in?
What about them having to walk away, their clothes soaked in your blood and their tears?
What about them yelling at your paralytic body “Please live! I love you! I need you! Please.”?
What about all the tears you’ll cause people that you aren’t even aware of?
Life is so fragile, and we fight for it every day —even against our own hands.
When you kill yourself, you’re also becoming a muderer.
You’re killing pieces of the people who love you.
You’re tearing holes into their hearts that can’t even seal with time.
So what about them?
i know during that period of time,
whenever i said about ending my life,
i know her heart skipped a beat.
i know she very much wants to stop my thought, but she cant.
i know she wants to help me, but at the same time, felt helpless.
i know i'm threatening her.
i know it all.
i'm sorry.
stop laughing at me.
you look down on me,
and i'm going to prove you wrong.
we'll wait and see.
i am very very very tired right now.. both physically and mentally.
i will persevere.
watch me grow.
you told me before..
whenever you feel like burying your face into your hands and cry,
put both your hands together, you'll see a mouth smiling to you.
believe it or not, it's there to tell you that everything will be alright..
我希望,我们还可以一起拥有很多个十年... 真的。
1st time in my life,
i struggled so so hard..
just to hold my tears back when i saw my exam paper.
thought i have prepared for the worst.
but no, i nearly lost control of my emotions in a lecture threatre with 200 people around me.
i dont need encouragement, a scolding, or a word of concern.
just give me some space to reflect, right now.
it's a dream, and i have to wake up now.
it's a depressing day.
i went ice skating today:D
im going to start life afresh, from tomorrow onwards.
okay, these are taken from yahoo.
sudddenly very lazy to upload the ones i took there:P
the night view of the front building with all the lights on is prettier(:
the train service has stopped):
maybe the railways and the station are going to be demolished too):
history is going to be deleted physically.. to make way for the development of the modern world.
i think the train station is still open for public to go in and take photos.
so if you dont want to miss the chance, please visit:D
im always telling my mum that i want to take the train since young.
and she's always refusing me.
and now i finally got the chance.
ironically, it's my one, only and last time.
and my bro was like saying that usually, people wont take the train cause it's slow and blah blah blah.
then suddenly when it was announced that the train service will be stopped, everyone flocked there.
most people like me, even took the trouble to go into malaysia just to take the train ride.
people only cherish things when it's about to be gone, regret their actions when it's too late.
it's kind of sad actually):
im used to growing up looking at trains and walking past the railway tracks.
when it's near evening, the the train will always pass by that same spot..
then all the cars and human crossing must wait for the train to "cross the road", lol.
that "i think it's very nice" train bridge i always see..
the track and sometimes trains i will see when i go that coffee shop for dinner..
i still remember me standing at that spot looking at the train passing by in my primary school.
then i was like pointing at it, and telling my friends, "hey train! train!", lol.
everything will go into history.
they're not going to happen anymore.
in the future, people will only remember that there's only something called "MRT".