Yeah I know it, it's not Friday.
Far from Friday actually.
But it totally seemed like a Friday to me.
I had just finished my second last paper, the last one will be on next Monday.
I guessed I could afford some time to relax a bit yeah?:)
I think I'm slacking too much that I now hate myself for slacking.
Completed 3 sets of dramas, handmade 4 cards and watched 2 movies in past 2 weeks.
My stiff neck is getting rather serious:S
Many people are telling me to relax for a while first after finishing A Levels before getting a job.
But I think I had enough of relaxing already.
Life's starting to get bored already.
So I'll maybe start work very soon after the all the exams ended (If I can managed to get one).
Anyway I'll be finding a 5-day work week job so that I can still go out and have fun during weekends.
I think striking a balance between both will be a better option.
So yeah, my long long holiday will commence next week.
Finally leaving the 'student' status for a while(:

It's a lonely Sunday at home.
Maybe I should go out and breathe in some fresh air.

Hi everyone.
I have decided to give myself an off day tonight.
I'm currently left with the last 3 papers of the A Levels.
And the next paper is 5 days later(:
As usual, hasn't been studying hard for it so I guessed I couldn't expect much of the outcome.
Entering the university suddenly seemed so far from me now.
But I really really hope I can get into 1 of the 2 eventually.
Guessed that I can only pray for now):
My long awaiting 8 months holidays will be coming soon!
Sort of relieved that the exam will be over very soon.
But now, even getting a job for the holidays seemed like a stressful thing for me:S
Guessed I'm too traumatized by the previous 1 perhaps. Haha.
Yeah that's just me. Somebody who can be stressed at the tiniest thing on earth.
Bad bad personality. Need to change it.
Yup, so if things are going in the right direction,
I'll getting swimming classes, a car license and a job before I start panicking again when the result release date approaches.
Not forgetting my trip to Bali and Taiwan:D
A dance course may have to wait then:/
Can't wait for the amount in my bank account to increase bit by bit after I get a job:D
Haha, may sound too realistic, but it is, anyway.
If I have to enter a private university, I would most probably have to start worrying about money already.
Money may not make the world goes round, but it is no doubt important, especially in Singapore.
Talk to me if you disagree in any sense.
Oh ya, Dinner and Dance is approaching as well!
Not very enthusiastic about it now cause a lot of things are not yet settled.
But I guessed I can starting writing graduation letters and prepare graduation gifts for my beloved-s!
I guessed graduation is also the best part of school life! The very last part.
I really hope things can go in the way I want it to be right now.
At least for the university part.
I cannot imagine how many mocking and disappointing faces that I'll have to face if I cant do it, as a JC student.
You can say that I may be too pessimistic, but you can't say that I'm trying to act 'worried now, but eventually get good grades later'.
I'm not that kind of person and I really hate that kind of person.
I am very serious here.
Seriously expecting a disappointing result):
Kay time to get a bath, a television watching session and a good night sleep after a tiring '2-papers day'.
I really think that we have the coolest Biology cohort ever.
Having a teacher standing at the entrance of the examination venue, forcing everyone to say, "I can do it! (with the hand sign)" before they can enter. Hahahaha:P
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